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Search results for "apple"

Facilitate My Life We look for simple, efficient and suitable solutions. We want to feel we have more control over our everyday life. We desire our day-to-day experience to be more pleasant and productive. FACILITATE MY LIFE AI... read more ›
In Debt We Trust We live in debt. The premise is irresistible: enjoy today, pay tomorrow. If we can “afford” the minimum payment, we go ahead and buy. Give us innovative payment options and methods. At the end, all money is debt. Do... read more ›
Quantify Me We are always on the quest for personal enhancement. However, we can suffer from lack of motivation, poor time management, loss of focus, etc. We need help to set goals and monitor our personal achievements through... read more ›
Seekers We are easily influenced. We are exploring and yearn to find meaning. We want to be guided and find role models. We want to connect with something bigger than ourselves. SEEKERS AI CHAT: SIGNS OF SEEKERS IN... read more ›
Unplug Me We are too dependent on the internet, but frequently it feels like a job just to keep up with all these chats, emails, alerts, posts and notifications. Everybody expects us to be available 24/7. We are overwhelmed! We want to... read more ›