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Trendwatching Signs: Fawkes, The Sand Lab at University of Chicago

Trendwatching Signs: Egor Tsvetkov & FindFace

Trendwatching Signs: FaceApp

Trendwatching Signs: Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition

Trendwatching Signs: United Nations Global Pulse

Trendwatching Signs: The Next Rembrandt

Trendwatching Signs: AT&T Data-Driven Innovation

Trendwatching Signs: FAETHM AI

Trendwatching Signs: Astro by Amazon

Trendwatching Signs: IV.AI

Trendwatching Signs: AI Robot Companion

Trendwatching Signs: Lovot

Trendwatching Signs: Google Assistant

Trendwatching Signs: Locus Robotics

Trendwatching Signs: Lioness Smart Vibrator

Trendwatching Signs: Boston Dynamics Spot

Trendwatching Signs: Amazon Alexa

Trendwatching Signs: Sophia

Trendwatching Signs: Pepper

Trendwatching Signs: Hen-na Hotel

Trendwatching Signs: Buddhist Robot

Trendwatching Signs: Kernel

Trendwatching Signs: Qualia