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Daily Archives: April 16, 2022

Trendwatching Signs: Quantum Casters

Trendwatching Signs: Star Walk

Trendwatching Signs: Microsoft Hololens

Trendwatching Signs: Pokémon GO

Trendwatching Signs: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Trendwatching Signs: Decentraland

Trendwatching Signs: Supernatural

Trendwatching Signs: Dream Recording Research

Trendwatching Signs: Light Art VR

Trendwatching Signs: Gravity Sketch

Trendwatching Signs: MIT Alterego

Trendwatching Signs: Teleparty

Trendwatching Signs: Google Arts and Culture

Trendwatching Signs: VRChat

Trendwatching Signs: Tinker

Trendwatching Signs: Phygital

Trendwatching Signs: The Void

Trendwatching Signs: Mojo Vision

Trendwatching Signs: Google Lens

Trendwatching Signs: Google Glass

Trendwatching Signs: Soundhound

Trendwatching Signs: United Nations Global Pulse

Trendwatching Signs: SAS Data for Good

Trendwatching Signs: Palantir

Trendwatching Signs: The Next Rembrandt

Trendwatching Signs: Natgeo Disease Prediction

Trendwatching Signs: AT&T Data-Driven Innovation

Trendwatching Signs: Amazon and Costco Food Safety

Trendwatching Signs: Starbucks Data Analytics

Trendwatching Signs: IKEA Deep Learning Tech Showroom

Trendwatching Signs: Amazon Recommends

Trendwatching Signs: Netflix

Trendwatching Signs: Waze