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Trendwatching Signs: Drive-Thrus

Trendwatching Signs: Uber Cash

Trendwatching Signs: Uber #WithinHerReach

Trendwatching Signs: Virgin Hyperloop One

Trendwatching Signs: Solar Impulse & Bertrand Piccard

Trendwatching Signs: Glovo

Trendwatching Signs: Google Maps


Almost two decades after its introduction, it’s evident just how groundbreaking Google Maps was. It revolutionized how people got directions, and how people interacted with the world around them. Now, with phones and augmented reality, it’s not only possible to see reviews and insights about a place while being physically there, but is already a part of our everyday lives.

Trendwatching Signs - Google Maps

Behavioral Trend: Blurred Line (on/off) / Urban Nomads

Source: / Trendwatcher: Andres Rodriguez

Trendwatching Signs: inDrive

Trendwatching Signs: Waze

Trendwatching Signs: The Future of the Automotive Industry

Trendwatching Signs: Zugopet

Trendwatching Signs: Nissan X-Trail 4Dogs

Trendwatching Signs: Ready Set Van


The #Vanlife trend has emerged among adventurous influencers, who decide to abandon traditional housing for modified vans, and lead their lives on the road. One of the leading van customization companies is Ready Set Van, which previously designed a party bus for Burning Man festival. Ready Set Van installs fully-functional, Tesla battery-powered fixtures like sinks, toilets and even kitchenware inside industrial-grade vans, making sure that “vanlifers” have everything they need to live as nomads.

Trendwatching Signs - Ready Set Van

Behavioral Trend: Urban Nomads

Source: / Trendwatcher: Andrea Lobo

Trendwatching Signs: Self-Driving Bicycle


Google Netherlands’ 2016 April’s Fools Day prank poked fun at the self-driving technology developed at Waymo, Google’s sister company, this time applied to the bicycle, the ubiquitous form of transportation in the Netherlands. However, this lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek campaign ended up predicting a real self-driving bicycle designed by researchers in China in 2019. The bike can move on its own using the highly advanced Tianjic chip, opening the door to new ways of automating our transport and getting to our destinations with the least amount of effort possible.

Trendwatching Signs - Self-Driving Bicycle

Behavioral Trend: Urban Nomads

Source: (article) / Trendwatcher: Andrea Lobo

Trendwatching Signs: Lime


Lime provides shareable forms of transportation – micromobility, as they call it, for all. They let users take rides on all kinds of shareable vehicles, from electric bikes and scooters to electric mopeds, in select cities around the world. Lime liberates urban nomads to go where they need to go, entirely on their own.

Trendwatching Signs - Lime

Behavioral Trend: Urban Nomads

Source: / Trendwatcher: Andres Rodriguez