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Trend: Blurred Line (on/off)

Behavioral Trend AI Chat: Blurred Line (on/off)

Trendwatching Signs: Heal

Trendwatching Signs: Vivino

Trendwatching Signs: League of Legends 

Trendwatching Signs: Google Maps


Almost two decades after its introduction, it’s evident just how groundbreaking Google Maps was. It revolutionized how people got directions, and how people interacted with the world around them. Now, with phones and augmented reality, it’s not only possible to see reviews and insights about a place while being physically there, but is already a part of our everyday lives.

Trendwatching Signs - Google Maps

Behavioral Trend: Blurred Line (on/off) / Urban Nomads

Source: / Trendwatcher: Andres Rodriguez

Trendwatching Signs: The Sims 

Trendwatching Signs: Face ID

Trendwatching Signs: Cashless Sweden

Trendwatching Signs: Photomath

Trendwatching Signs: TimeKettle Live Translation Earphones

Trendwatching Signs: Quantum Casters

Trendwatching Signs: Star Walk

Trendwatching Signs: Microsoft Hololens

Trendwatching Signs: Pokémon GO

Trendwatching Signs: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Trendwatching Signs: Decentraland

Trendwatching Signs: Supernatural

Trendwatching Signs: Dream Recording Research

Trendwatching Signs: Light Art VR

Trendwatching Signs: Gravity Sketch

Trendwatching Signs: MIT Alterego

Trendwatching Signs: Teleparty

Trendwatching Signs: Google Arts and Culture

Trendwatching Signs: VRChat

Trendwatching Signs: Tinker

Trendwatching Signs: Phygital

Trendwatching Signs: The Void

Trendwatching Signs: Mojo Vision

Trendwatching Signs: Google Lens

Trendwatching Signs: Google Glass

Trendwatching Signs: Soundhound

Trendwatching Signs: IKEA Deep Learning Tech Showroom