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Trendwatching Signs: The Joy of Later Life Sex

Trendwatching Signs: Work-Home Spillover

Trendwatching Signs: Sologamy

Trendwatching Signs: Touch Starvation

Trendwatching Signs: Realdoll

Trendwatching Signs: Cheerios Biracial Couple

Trendwatching Signs: Polyamory

Trendwatching Signs: Parasocial Interaction & Realtionships

Trendwatching Signs: TalkLife App

Trendwatching Signs: Phubbing

Trendwatching Signs: Tinder

Trendwatching Signs: Bumble BFF

Trendwatching Signs: Tandem

Trendwatching Signs: Astro by Amazon

Trendwatching Signs: AI Robot Companion

Trendwatching Signs: Lovot

Trendwatching Signs: Boston Dynamics Spot

Trendwatching Signs: Aibo Funeral

Trendwatching Signs: Aibo

Trendwatching Signs: Pepper

Trendwatching Signs: The Human Library

Trendwatching Signs: Humanitas Living Students

Trendwatching Signs: CNA Speaking Exchange Campaign

Trendwatching Signs: Grandpa Caring

Trendwatching Signs: Paro Robot

Trendwatching Signs: Stitch